Have you ever wondered how can you comfortably travel while helping to sustainability? Today, we’re launching the KUMI BAG section, where we’ll present you different useful and sustainable products that you can take into consideration when preparing your bags.
Are you ready to let your globe-trotter adventure start?
Today, we want to introduce you to nuud. For those who don’t know what does it consist of, it is basically a “deodorant” or, better said, an anti-odorant. While the conventional deodorants hide the smell of sweat through harmful products that affect not only the environment but also our skin, nuud bases its formula in erasing the bacteria that produces that smell. So, the main difference between deodorant and anti-odorant, is that in the first one, the product conceals the smell whereas the second one prevents the appearance of its cause -bacteria-

Not feeling curious enough yet? Well, here it comes the icing on the cake… one single application can last up to 7 days! Yes, we know you may be like “wait, what?”
It sounds amazing but you are probably wondering how it really feels using it, aren’t you? Let me tell you about my personal experience.

I started using nuud at the beginning of the year after reading about it a lot. I was attracted to the idea of trying it myself, but at the same time, it scared me as I was so used to the conventional deodorants, and changing this habit sounded tough to me. Taking advantage of being at home all day long due the pandemic situation, I took the leap!

The first time I used it, it felt really different to the concept we have in mind when thinking about deodorants. I had to exfoliate and wash my armpits before the application, which is not in spray or roll-on but a thick cream that takes a bit to be fully absorbed. However, once dry, it doesn’t stain the clothes at all, which thing was a great surprise for me.

nuud says you won’t have to reapply the product in 3 to 7 days (depending on each person), but I had the feeling of smelling a bit after 2 days -I know now that it was because the body took a bit to eliminate all the aluminium waste-. The following applications were kind of the same weird feeling, a thick cream that doesn’t absorb immediately -maybe I am too impatient though-. But that was it, all my “problems” were that I couldn’t just run out of the shower and go straight to the street but had to wait a bit to let the product be absorbed, after that: no smells, no stains, nothing!
Nowadays, I feel confident about the product and myself using it. At the beginning it felt weird not to use deodorants daily, but now I feel happy about it. I apply nuud twice a week and I promise there’s no smell at all, non-even after my gym sessions!
Have you ever experienced that feeling of reaching home after a long journey with that characteristic sweat smell on your clothes? Well, it doesn’t happen to me anymore. I am now more than proud to have decided to give it a try as I know I am contributing to enhance our planet while being more than comfortable by using it.

Gera Antich · Committed globe-trotter